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The toilet is a human right!
toilet accessibility awareness poster
Please feel free to use it. 2020/9

Many transgender people feel uncomfortable and insecure in the bathroom. We want to make the toilet safe for everyone! Please take action.
Please feel free to use the posters at your workplace or in the restrooms of your institution. Click the image to open the PDF.

Here are the overseas posters that I used as a reference for poster production.


In recent years, various surveys have pointed out the problem of toilets faced by transgender people.According to the TOTO survey, The following things have been raised as the parties to feel stress. Not only is this stressful, but it can also lead to health issues such as cystitis and dehydration.
"Looking around when entering the toilet" (31.1%)
"Caution and indication from surroundings when entering the toilet" (23.5%)
“There are only gender-segregated toilets, so it is hard to choose” (21.4%)

Although "everyone can use the toilet" is becoming more popular, trans people are still worried that they may be warned why they use it even though they are able-bodied. On the other hand, there is also the reality that people with disabilities are suffering serious disadvantages due to non-discipline manners (unnecessary and non-urgent use for a long time) by non-disabled people who use the "everybody's toilet".

We have room for more awareness in the restrooms! I think.
① Enlightenment for able-bodied people who use “everyone’s toilet”,
(2) Enlightenment for cisgender (non-transgender) people who use toilets,

I devised a poster for The purpose is below. Corresponds to the numbers above.

(1) If awareness of excretion rights and equality increases, the number of able-bodied people who cause nuisances in the “everybody’s toilet” can be reduced.
(2)-(1) By sharing toilet issues for transgender and other people with cisgender (people with disabilities) and letting them know that there are healthy people who have no choice but to use the toilet for everyone, trans people can use the toilet for everyone. make it easier to use

②-②By letting cisgender people know that people of various genders use the toilets, trans people will find it easier to use the toilets for men and women.If it becomes possible, the number of users of “everyone’s toilet” will decrease

Toilets that are not separated by gender in Northern Europe and North Americais being made.
But in order to do this, society must first become gender equal. Japan is not yet at that stage because of the strong discrimination against women based on male predominance. It seems that the following is necessary for this purpose.

・Gender is a fundamental human right that should be respected and guaranteed, and any individual can live based on their gender identity.
・A resolute and consistent attitude that does not tolerate gender discrimination
・Recognition that harassment is unacceptable regardless of attributes, appearance, or circumstances
・Society members are aware of inequalities in the world and their respective privileges (they are aware of social issues such as race, gender, disability, and religion).

And in order for the above to gain social consensus, it will be necessary for people to have the following understanding as a common understanding.

・Toilet is a place to defecate. Nothing more, nothing less.
- Everyone has the right to safely defecate.
Transgenders are not criminals. Being a sexual minority and committing a sexual crime or harassment are two different things.
・Harassment is based on power, not sexual orientation.
・Harassment occurs regardless of gender.
・The cause of crime is social inequality and discrimination against women (there is a lot of harassment against women in areas where the status of women is low).

The posters shown below are based on posters pasted on toilets at Canadian universities, public institutions, and private facilities.
Please make your own enlightenment poster.

This content is“Seminar on Gender Diversity” hosted by Osaka Prefecture on November 29, 2019This is an excerpt and addition of the content of the lecture.
From Osaka PrefectureA report pamphlet is availableSo please take a look.

■ Transgender protest against toilet law with selfies: will it lead to a real solution?


This is an enlightenment poster for able-bodied people who use the "everybody's toilet". Let them know that there are people who can only use this place and encourage consideration.
It may be a good idea to hang it out at the entrance of the "everybody's toilet" or in a place where you can see it even if you don't like it when you sit on the toilet seat.


there is such a thing

Not only people of ambiguous gender, but also actual people of the opposite sex may enter another toilet. You should be able to prevent unnecessary troubles by knowing that there are various cases depending on the situation and by imagining the other person's position a little. It is recommended to post it in the men's and women's restrooms.


Help us create a safe toilet environment

I made it based on the posters pasted on all toilets in a Canadian university. It is an enlightenment poster for cisgender. Let them know that there are people with different appearances and encourage them to be considerate.
It might be a good idea to hang it out in places where you meet people, such as the entrance to the bathroom or the mirror in the bathroom.


Straight Honest

I made it based on a poster pasted on a toilet for the disabled at a Canadian university. It may be effective to post it with other posters rather than alone. This message is aimed at cisgender people and calls for creating an environment in which transgender and other people of various appearances can safely and securely excrete.

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